Bronco Division

Bronco Commissioner

Bronco Division is a competitive league for players ages 11-13 years old. (player's age as of April 30)

There will be a regular season champion, and there will be post-season playoffs to crown a division champion.


Registration opens in January. Deadline to register is April 4.


Late registrations MAY be available after April 4. (additional $25 fee)

Fall Ball registration opens in July.


Games are played Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m., with some weekend games under the lights starting at 8:15 p.m. The schedule will be posted on the Crossbar mobile app, and can be shared with family/friends.

The season begins the first week of June, and runs through the last week of July, with playoffs into the first week of August. No games are scheduled over the 4th of July holiday.


Pre-season practices begin in early May. Coaches will notify player families of the practice schedule after teams are drafted in late April.

In-season practices will be scheduled by coaches and posted on the Crossbar mobile app schedule.

Team Drafts

In an effort to have the most parity of teams across the division, players are drafted by coaches after a skills evaluation day in April. 

Players in Bronco may also be selected to represent their team in an All-Star Game in July.

Dearborn Baseball reserves the right to move player(s) up or down a division regardless of the age requirements (due to a player’s safety/ability) This decision will be made by the Division Commissioners and Dearborn Baseball Board Members after player evaluation.

Bronco Division Rules

OFFICIAL MLB BASEBALL RULES will be followed with the following modifications:



1. All players present at game time bat. A player who shows up after game time and before the end of the third inning, will be placed at the end of the batting order. A player who shows up after the third inning of play will be used or not used at the discretion of the Manager and if allowed to play, will be placed at the end of the batting order.

2. No pinch runners are allowed, except for injury. In that circumstance, the last player to have made an out will pinch run.

3. There is a mandatory two-out courtesy runner for the catcher. The last player having made an out will be the runner.

4. Each player must play at least three (3) innings, or nine (9) outs in the field. Defensive substitutions within an inning are not allowed except for when a player is injured.

5. Any player, coach or manager ejected will be ejected not only for the game, but for the next game as well. Depending on the offense, further disciplinary action may be taken by the Board of Directors.



1. The distance between bases is 80 feet. The distance from the back of the plate to the pitching rubber is 54 feet.

2. The home team is responsible for setting up the field. The visiting team will be given the first infield (10 minutes), with the home team, the next infield (10 minutes).

3. A game may start or end with eight (8) players. Any time a team cannot field seven (7) players, a forfeit will be called.

4. Game time is forfeit time. There is a two hour time limit on each regular season game. No inning shall start after the time limit. Rain delays, acts of God, etc. will not be considered toward the time limit.

5. If a complete game results in a tie because of the time limit, the result shall stand as final in the league standings.

6. A mercy rule will be enforced with the completion of three (3) innings if either team is ahead by fifteen (15) runs, if there is a twelve (12) run differential after four (4) or if there is a ten (10) run differential after five (5) at bats by the losing team.

7. A regulation game consists of seven (7) innings. A complete game occurs after five (5) full innings or if-the losing team has had five (5) at bats. If not complete when called, the game will be rescheduled and will pick-up from where it left off.

8. Free substitution is allowed from inning to inning, however, the pitcher cannot be returned as a pitcher. In addition, no defensive changes allowed mid-inning except to remove a pitcher.

9. A batter is automatically out on a dropped third strike and may not advance to first base.

10. General baseball rules will apply to stealing. There is no mandatory slide rule, however, players are encouraged to slide if at all possible. When a defensive player clearly has the ball, waiting for the runner, and the runner deliberately, with force, runs into the defensive player, the runner is out, the offender ejected, and all runners must return to the last base touched at the time of the offense. This is a judgment call, and the umpire's decision is final. Ejected player will be ineligible to play in the following game as well, per Participation Rule #5.

11. There is no stealing home on a passed ball by the team that is winning by eight (8) runs.



1. UNIFORMS: Players must wear assigned uniforms, and they may not be altered in any way.

2. SHOES: No steel spikes. Rubber or plastic composites are allowed.

3. HELMETS: Players are to wear helmets while batting, on deck, or running the bases. Players are to provide their own helmets.

4. PROTECTIVE CUPS: Must be worn by the catcher. Recommended for all other players.

5. CATCHER'S EQUIPMENT: Skull caps are allowed, although it is recommended that full earflap protectors be used.

6. BAT RULES: All bats must be stamped “BBCORE” or “USA”. “USSSA” or bats with 1.15 BPF (Bat Performance Factor) are not allowed. If violated, the player using an illegal bat will be ejected from the game and is an automatic out thereafter. 2 ¾ inch bats are not allowed. Ejected player will be ineligible to play in the following game as well, per Participation Rule #5.



1.    The pitch count and rest rules are as follows:

2.    If pitcher reaches 90 pitch limit, he is allowed to complete the current batter.

3.    The required days rest are full days off that are needed, not including the day the current game is played. For example, if a player pitches 70 pitches on a Friday, he would require three days off (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) and would not be able to pitch until Tuesday at the earliest.


Dearborn Baseball reserves the right to move player(s) up or down a division regardless of the age requirements (due to a player’s safety/ability) This decision will be made by the Division Commissioners and Dearborn Baseball Board Members after the player(s) evaluation(s).  The division coaches will be notified of the player status. (New Rule Adopted by Dearborn Baseball Board June 1, 2024)

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