Mustang Division

Mustang Division is a competitive league for players ages 8-10 years old.
(player's age as of April 30)
Regulation games are 6 innings, players will pitch, and there will be umpires to call balls, strikes, and outs.
Scores and standings are kept for all season games, there will be a regular season champion, and there will be post-season playoffs to crown a division champion.
Registration opens in January. Deadline to register is April 4.
Late registrations MAY be available after April 4. (additional $25 fee)
Fall Ball registration opens in July.
Most Mustang games are played Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday evenings at 6:15 p.m., with a limited amount of games played on Tuesday and Thursday. The schedule will be posted on the Crossbar mobile app, and can be shared with family/friends.
The season begins the first week of June, and runs through the last week of July, with playoffs into the first week of August. No games are scheduled over the 4th of July holiday.
Pre-season practices begin in early May. Coaches will notify player families of the practice schedule after teams are drafted in late April.
In-season practices will be scheduled by coaches and posted on the Crossbar mobile app schedule.
Team Drafts
In an effort to have the most parity of teams across the division, players are drafted by coaches after a skills evaluation day that all players are required to attend.
Players in Mustang may also be selected to represent their team in an All-Star Game in July.

Mustang Division Rules
Revised May 29,2024
The official rules of Major League Baseball are followed, except as noted below.
- The primary objective of Dearborn Baseball is to teach good sportsmanship and the game of baseball.
- Manager control of players and player parents at all times is essential. The umpire has the authority to eject any unruly players, managers, coaches, or fans, and/or to call a forfeit because of unruly behavior. Any player or coach ejected from a game will be suspended for the following game.
- The home team is responsible for field set up of bases and pitching rubbers and keeping the official score. The distance between bases is sixty (60) feet. Pitching distance from the back of home plate to the front of the pitching rubber is 44 feet. Both teams must provide a new game ball to the umpire prior to each game.
- The home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout and the visiting team will occupy the 1st base dugout.
- Prior to game time, the visiting teams will have the field for ten (10) minutes, and then home teams will have the field the next ten (10) minutes to warm up.
- Forfeiture time is fifteen (15) minutes after game time and is the decision of the umpire. A game may start and/or end with eight (8) players.
- A regulation game consists of six (6) innings unless extended by a tie score.
- There is a two hour time limit and regular season games can end in a tie. No inning can start after the two hour time limit, but once an inning starts the home team (if behind) will get to bat in the bottom of the inning regardless of how long that inning takes. If the umpire calls the game because of darkness, it will be resumed at a later date and the inning will be completed.
- A game called by the umpire because of rain, darkness, etc. is a regulation game if four (4) complete innings have been played or three and one-half (3-1/2) innings if the home team is ahead. If fewer than four (4) complete innings have been played, the game will be rescheduled and resume where it was suspended.
- The mercy rule shall be enforced after three and one-half (3 -1/2) innings if the home team is ahead or after four (4) innings if the visiting team is ahead by fifteen (15) runs or more.
- Each team member present at a league game must play at least three (3) innings in the field. Each player must play at least one (1) inning in the infield each game. There will be four (4) outfielders for a total of ten (10) players in the field. Games that end because of the mercy rule are not subject to this rule, but coaches are still strongly encouraged to get their players time in the field. Do not use the mercy rule as an excuse to deny players their allotted playing time. See rule #1.
- Free substitution is allowed with the following exception: The pitcher cannot be removed and returned as a pitcher. Deviation from this shall result in a forfeit.
- The Infield Fly Rule does not apply.
- Only one base is allowed on a walk (base on balls) -- the base runner may not continue to second base. Intentional walks are not permitted.
- A player may pitch a maximum of six (6) innings in a calendar week (Monday through Sunday). Delivery of a single pitch constitutes an inning. If a player reaches his max number of pitches during an AB, the player can finish with that batter, but then must come out. This does not apply to the days of rest rule. For example, if you leave a pitcher in to finish a batter and they end up throwing 38 pitches instead of 35, then they are required to have an additional day of rest. Required rest days will be enforced as listed as shown at end of these rules.
- All players present at game time will bat. A player who shows up after the game has started and before the end of the third inning will be placed at the end of the batting order. A player who shows up after the third inning of play will be used or not used at the discretion of the manager.
- If a player leaves a game for any reason (except injury), his spot is vacated in the batting lineup and is an automatic out for subsequent at bats unless both coaches agree to waive this rule.
- There is modified stealing. There are no lead offs, and the runner cannot leave their base until the ball crosses the plate. Runners are only allowed to steal 2nd and 3rd base. If the umpire determines that a player is leading off, one warning per game per team will be issued. If it happens again, the runner will be called out.
- On stolen base attempts, runners are not permitted to score and must stop at 3B. For example, if a runner is on 1st base and steals 2nd base and the throw from the catcher goes into the outfield, that runner can advance to 3rd base but no further. The same applies to runners attempting to steal 3rd base. The goal is to allow for stealing, but also to encourage catchers to make throws to 2nd or 3rd base. In addition, there is no stealing of home, even if there is a passed ball, wild pitch, or pick off attempt at 3rd base.
- If there are two outs and the catcher for the team at bat is on base, a pinch runner is recommended. This is for the purpose of saving time. The pinch runner will be the player who made the last out. Please work hard to get your catcher ready prior to the end of the inning. Let your kids know who is catching the next inning. The goal is to decrease the amount of wasted time between innings.
- Base runners must slide or avoid contact with defensive players on close plays. Failure to follow this rule the first time in a game will result in the baserunner being called out and a warning being issued to the base runner by the umpire. Failure to follow this rule a second time in a game by the same base runner will result in the base runner being called out and ejected from the game (see Rule 2).
- Both teams are required to keep track of the number of pitchers thrown and the number of innings each player pitched.
- After each game, the winning coach will text the score of the game, pitchers used during the game (pitcher uniform number and last name), pitch counts and IP to the league commissioner. The coach of the losing team will confirm or correct any discrepancies. This must be done within 24 hours after the game has concluded.
- Players must wear assigned uniforms in order to play. The uniform shall consist of hats, shirts and pants issued by Dearborn Baseball. The Manager will decide if the uniform meets standards. Uniforms may not be altered in any way.
- Catchers must wear all gear provided by Dearborn Baseball (catcher's helmet, chest protector, and shin guards). The catcher's mitt, although provided, is not required. However, if the player is able to use it, have them do so. There are two exceptions: 1) The catcher is left-handed (left-handed catcher’s mitts are not provided by the league). 2) Your player is not strong enough to squeeze the catcher’s mitt when catching the ball. The catcher's mask must always include a throat guard.
- Bats with barrels up to and including 2-5/8" are allowed in the Mustang Division. All bats must be USABat certified with the USABat licensing stamp on the bat in order to be used for league play. No USSSA Bats are allowed. If there is a violation of this rule the batter will be called out. If an illegal bat is used by the same player a second time, the player will be ejected (see rule #2). Coaches are strongly encouraged to check everyone’s bat prior to the game.
- Bats with excessive dings or any modifications, whatsoever, are not allowed. This is primarily a safety issue.
- All players are to provide their own helmet. Helmets must be worn while batting, on deck, and on base. All boys are strongly encouraged to wear a protective cup and catchers are required to do so.
- Protected players require parental agreement, and all protected players are subject to league approval.
- Dearborn Baseball reserves the right to move player(s) up or down a division regardless of the age requirements (due to a player’s safety/ability) This decision will be made by the Division Commissioners and Dearborn Baseball Board Members after the player(s) evaluation(s). The division coaches will be notified of the player status. (New Rule Adopted by Dearborn Baseball Board June 1, 2024)